Booklet includes exclusive content highlighting trails, destinationLas Cruces Dona Ana County Gravel Adventure Guide

Planning a biking trek through Doña Ana County is about to get a lot easier. March 27 marks the official launch of the Las Cruces Gravel Adventure Guide, a guide highlighting the areas biking trails.

Late last year Visit Las Cruces Destination Experience Sales Manager Hilary Dutcher organized efforts to add the area to the Gravel Adventure Field Guide’s growing list of booklets that showcase gravel biking destinations across the country. Dutcher connected local cyclists with GAFG Editor In-Chief Juan DelaRoca to explore popular biking routes throughout Las Cruces and Doña Ana County.

They then put together the 10 routes featured in the guide as a curated collection of varying distances and difficulty levels. The finished  field guide is a pocket-sized book featuring comprehensive information about gravel biking in  Las Cruces and Dona Ana county, detailed illustrated maps with GPS routes and art, stories and details about local attractions.

The Gravel Adventure Field Guide is a great tool for anyone looking to explore Las Cruces and Doña Ana County,” Dutcher said. “In addition to detailed route information, the guide provides important safety recommendations for desert trekking and an introduction to our community’s vibrant culture. The business section promotes local  businesses for visitors needing anything from gear to gifts.”

To celebrate the completion of the Guide, VLC will host a book launch party 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 21 at Amaro Winery.

Each guide costs $11 and available for purchase locally. For updates and pre-orders, visit